Sunday, March 10, 2013

Star                by :Greyson Chance

Started to cry as the doctor told me,She was going to leave us tonightSo I stifled my tears and I went into her roomAnd to my surprise, she has a twinkle in her eye.
She said, "I know that I'm leaving you behind."But don't worry, I'll be fine."I will be behind the blue sky."Among those beautiful stars."
Cuz' in the sky, you're so high.There are beautiful stars which shine the night.She'll be dancing in the clouds and she'll be singing in the rain.Among those beautiful stars.
Cuz' in the sky, you're so high.There are beautiful stars which shine the light.She'll be dancing in the clouds and she'll be singing in the rain.Among those beautiful stars.
I held her hand as she went.She drew her last breath.And the tears started flowing out againAnd I went to the window and I opened it.And there she was; she was shining the sky.Among those beautiful stars.
Cuz' in the sky, you're so high.There are beautiful stars which shine the night.She'll be dancing in the clouds and she'll be singing in the rain.Among those beautiful stars.
Way up in the sky.There are beautiful stars that shine the light.She'll be dancing in the clouds and she'll be singing in the rain.Among those beautiful stars.
Five years have passed.The cancer was spreading, I wouldn't last.So I took my last breath.
I was in the sky, oh so high.With those beautiful stars that shine the light.I was dancing in the clouds and I was singing in the rain,And I saw a beautiful face.
And we were in the sky, oh so high.With those beautiful stars that shine the light.We were dancing in the clouds; we were singing in the rain.Among those beautiful stars
We were dancing the clouds and we were singing in the rain.Among those beautiful stars.

Lirik Lagu Greyson Chance - Broken Hearts 

I remember the first time saw you
With your pretty brown eyes that sparkled
In the light
And your long brown hair
And the way you could dance so well

And you took the air I'm breathing
And stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Broken Heart

Broken hearts they never fade away
and Broken hearts are here to stay

I know what we've been waiting for
But that doesn't give you the excuse too
Then all the reason you can
Especially, my best friend

Cause you took the air I'm breathing
You stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Broken Heart

Broken hearts they never fade away
and Broken hearts are here to stay

Cause you took the air I'm breathing
You stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Broken Heart

You took the air I'm breathing
You stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Broken Heart

Broken hearts they never fade away

Cause you took the air I'm breathing
You stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Broken Heart

Monday, March 4, 2013

permisi yah numpang promot.........

follow my twitter @Rama_Chance1
sama follow twitter kakak ku @Mponkz (Cahyo Maulana)....ksian kk q followersx cuma 4 dan aku cuma 97....apa kalian mau menolong aku dan kakak ku....

excuse me I want to promote

follow me on twitter @ Rama_Chance1 ..... and also follow my brother @ Mponkz (Cahyo Maulana) my brother only has 4 followers and I only have 97 pengitkut .... so what do you guys want to help me and my brother. ...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

: Kecil-kecil cabe rawit mungkin menjadi predikat yang paling cocok untuk disandang Greyson Chance. Kehidupannya berubah sejak videonya saat bermain piano sambil menyanyikan lagu “Paparazzi” dari Lady Gaga beredar di Internet.

Video tersebut menjadi paling populer nomor tiga di YouTube pada 2010 dan telah ditonton lebih dari 40 juta kali. Bocah 14 tahun ini berhasil merilis album perdananya “Hold On ‘til the Night” pada 2 Agustus.

Setelah berhasil memukau para penggemarnya di Hard Rock Café Jakarta pada Rabu (23/11) sore, Yahoo! Indonesia OMG ngobrol bareng dengan Greyson di hotel tempatnya menginap keesokan harinya.

Pada kesempatan itu, Greyson membocorkan tipe cewek idaman untuk dijadikan pacar. Seperti apa ya?

Mana yang paling kamu suka, bermain piano atau bernyanyi?
Aku suka keduanya. Terkadang aku tidak bisa menyanyi tanpa iringan piano, tapi aku bisa bermain piano tanpa bernyanyi.

Seberapa besar rasa cintamu ke Lady Gaga?
Sebesar ini (Greyson membentangkan kedua tangannya ke samping). Aku sangat mencintainya. Aku suka semua karyanya. Dia gila sekaligus mengagumkan.

Ceritakan dong tentang kampung halaman kamu!

Maksud kamu di Oklahoma? Kota itu sangat kecil. Tapi sungguh menyenangkan tinggal di sana.

Apa keinginan terbesarmu selain dunia tarik suara dan bermain piano?
Pertanyaan yang bagus. Mungkin aku ingin jadi fotografer.

Apakah kamu sudah menerima ciuman pertama?
Ya tentu saja. Maaf ya para penggemarku.

Apa rasanya?
Ciuman itu menyenangkan. Cukup baik. Aku menikmatinya.

Kamu suka olahraga?
Sejujurnya aku tidak terlalu suka olahraga. Aku lebih suka menonton sepak bola dibandingkan rugby.

Tipe cewek seperti apa yang kamu inginkan menjadi pacar?
Aku tidak mau yang aneh-aneh. Aku hanya ingin cewek yang jujur, apa adanya.

Secara fisik?
Aku tidak peduli. Tapi aku suka cewek rambut cokelat yang bermata biru. Aku suka rambut pirang, rambut merah, mata abu-abu, mata cokelat. Mata merah? Oh itu vampir.

Kalau kamu punya kesempatan untuk jadi hewan, hewan apa yang kamu mau?
Mungkin aku ingin jadi burung. Aku bisa terbang ke sana, bisa terbang ke sana. Aku berharap bisa terbang.

Kota mana yang paling kamu suka dalam tur ini?
Ada lima kota yang aku datangi, tiap kota memiliki keunikan masing-masing. Tapi aku paling suka Jakarta.

Kenapa Jakarta?
Kalian memiliki banyak kebudayaan di sini. Jakarta mengingatkan aku akan Kuala Lumpur. Para penggemar di sini sangat menyenangkan.

Apa makanan Indonesia yang kamu suka?
Tadi aku makan pisang goreng. Tapi aku menjauhi makanan lokal di indonesia karena makanan Indonesia pedas semua. Saat aku datang ke sana, aku sedang sakit perut.

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Waiting Outside The Lines Greyson Chance